Thursday 11 July 2013

Open Up The Gates - Land, And Sky, And Sea


The Rule Of No Realm Is Mine,But All Worthy Things That Are In Peril

As The World Now Stands, Those Are My Care.

And I, For My Part, Shall Not Wholly Fail In My Task

If Anything Passes Through This Night

That Can Still Grow Fair Or Bear Fruit And Flower Again In Days To Come


Goddess my shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each dark, each light.
Goddess my shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night, each dark, each light.
In my lying, in my standing,
In my watching, in my sleeping.
Goddess be my strength everlasting.

Goddess with me
Goddess before me
Goddess behind me
Goddess in me
Goddess beneath me
Goddess above me
Goddess on my right
Goddess on my left
Goddess when I lie down
Goddess when I arrive
Goddess in the heart of everyone who thinks of her
Goddess in the mouth of everyone who speaks of her
Goddess in every eye that sees her
Goddess in every ear that hears her

As Above So Below
Spirit And Matter In A Dance So Slow
As Within So Without
Great Mystery That Spirals In And Out

Secret Glory, Hidden By Nothing
Thrice Blessed, Thrice Called, Thrice Revealed
Secret Glory, Hidden By Nothing
Thrice Blessed, Thrice Called, Thrice Revealed


Hail, Hail The Wind It Blows

Hail, Hail The Fire Glows

Hail, Hail The Water Flows

Hail, Hail The Earth It Grows

Hail, Hail, The Spirit Knows


The Boughs Do Shake And Bells Do Ring, So Merrily Comes Our Harvest In,

Our Harvest In, Our Harvest In, So Merrily Comes Our Harvest In,

We've Ploughed, We've Sowed, We've Reaped, We've Mowed,

We've Got Our Harvest In.


Hecate, Cerridwen. Dark Mother Take Us In

Hecate, Cerridwen. Let Us Be Reborn


Helios, Helios

Quan-Toh Roh Pah-Neh-Tec | Quan-Toh Roh Pah-Neh-Tec

H e l i o s


Herne Who Hears All Living Things. Hear Our Call To You

Herne Whose Name All Nature Sings. Hear Our Call To You

Moon Stag, Horned One, Green Man, God

Draw Near, Come Here, Be Here, Now


Here We Stand And Reach Down To The Earth

Here The Stones And The People Stand Forever

So Mote It Be. So Mote It Be


The Holly And The Ivy, When They Are Both Full Grown

Of All The Trees That Are In The Wood, The Holly Bears The Crown

Chorus: O The Rising Of The Sun And The Running Of The Deer

The Singing Of Robin Redbreast When Merry Yule Draws Near

The Ivy And The Holly, When They Are Both Full Grown

Of All The Trees That Are In The Wood, The Ivy Bears The Gown



Holy Earth Mother

Flesh Of The World

Quicken And Kindle

With The Seeds Of Birth


Holy Well And Sacred Flame

Maiden, Mother, And Crone

Bright One Be Here

Bright One Be Here


Horned One, Lover, Son - Leaper In The Corn

Deep In The Mother - Die And Be Reborn


I Am A Circle And I Am Healing You

You Are A Circle And You Are Healing Me

Unite Us, Be One Unite Us, Be As One


I am a new Woman, I am a free Woman

I am a whole Woman, better than before!

I am a wise Woman, I am a kind Woman

I am a Light Woman, better than before!


Isis, Aset, Lady Of Magic

Throne Of The World, Veiled And Unveiled

Salt Tears Of Joy, Salt Tears Of Sorrow

Giver Of Life, Hark To Our Cry

Giver Of Life, Hark To Our Cry


Isis, Astarte, Diana

Hecate, Demeter, Kali - Innana

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