Thursday 11 July 2013

We Are One With The Infinite Sun

Forever And Ever And Ever


I Will Be Gentle With Myself. I Will Love Myself

I Am A Child Of The Universe Being Born Each Moment


Lady Of The Winter Night Fill Our Souls With Dreams Of Light

Lady Of The Falling Snows Beauty Tells Us All She Knows

Lady Of The Sleeping Land Call The Sun From Summerland

We Stand Between The Light And Dark Singing For The Newborn Spark ( 3 X)


Oh She Will Bring The Buds In The Spring

And Laugh Among The Flowers

In Summer's Heat Her Kisses Are Sweet

She Sings In Leafy Bowers

She Cuts The Cane And Gathers The Grain

When Fruits Of Fall Surround Her

Her Bones Grow Old In Wintry Cold

She Wraps Her Cloak Around Her


Lugh Lamhfada, Sage Of Skill - Sun And Harvest, Spear Of Will

Lugh Lamhfada, With Your Might - Bring Us Blessings Bright


As We Walk The Circle Round, Change And Transform

As We Dance On Sacred Ground, Shine And Rejoice

Look At Each Other. See The Sun, Moon, And Stars

Look At Each Other. See The Sun, Moon, And Stars


Come The Lord Of The Greenwood, Greenwood {3 times}

And Court The Lady Fair

In The Heat Of Their Passion, Passion. {3 times}

The Corn Will Rise Again


Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One
Maiden cherish me
Mother cherish me
Crone cherish me
Three in One
Blessed Be the Maiden
Blessed Be the Mother
Blessed Be the Crone
Three in One


Sweet Magick I Become. Flesh And Breath Of Dancing Light.

New Wonders Yet To Come As I Shine From Day To Night


May The Love We're Sharing Spread Its Wings,

And Fly Across The Earth

And Bring New Joy To Every Soul, Who Is Alive

May The Blessings Of Your Grace My Love,

Shine On Everyone And May We All See The Light

Within, Within, Within


Goddess Of The Moon

Goddess Of The Three-Fold Moon

Maiden, Mother, Ancient One

My Voice

Goddess Help Me Find My Voice

What I Ask Is My Choice


Crone Of Transformation, Morrigan

Endings Bring Creation, Morrigan

Crone Of Transformation, Morrigan

Endings Bring Creation, Morrigan


Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Goddess Of The Moon,

What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Goddess Of The Moon

Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Maiden Of The Moon,

What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Maiden Of The Moon

Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Mother Of The Moon,

What I Ask Is My Choice . --- . Mother Of The Moon

Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Ancient Of The Moon,

Goddess Help Me Find My Voice . --- . Ancient Of The Moon


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