Monday 4 March 2013


"Darksome Night and Shining Moon,
East and South and West and North,
Hearken to the Witches' Rune;
Hear me now, I call thee forth."(by Dorren Valiente_

Midwinter/winter solstice. :winter solstice is the solstice that occurs in winter,December 20 and December 23 solstices occur less frequently than December 21 or December 22 solstices in the Yule, Winter Solstice: December 20, 21, 22, or 23/Gregorian calendar AKA: Yule  All Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses ie Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda Deities of Yule:Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, MabonSymbols of Yule:Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus/Spellworkings of Yule:Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness
Imbolc:Brigid, Imbolc, Candlemas, Imbolg, or Brigid's Day: February 1 or 2/Symbolism of Imbolc: Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new. Symbols of Imbolc: Brideo'gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighid's Crosses, Priapic Wands (acorn-tipped), and Ploughs. Herbs of Imbolc: Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers. Foods of Imbolc: Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and Herbal Teas. Incense of Imbolc: Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh. Colors of Imbolc: White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown. Stones of Imbolc: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise. Activities of Imbolc: Candle Lighting (light Candles or lamps in each room of the house right after sunset for a few minutes to honor the Sun's rebirth), Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of Spring, Making of Brideo'gas and Bride's Beds, Making Priapic Wands, Decorating Ploughs, Feasting, and Bon Fires maybe lit.
Vernal equinox/Ostara Ostara(Spring Equinox)March 21Eostar, Spring Equinox, Ostara, or Oestarra: March 20, 21, 22, or 23/Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose name is spelled Oestre or Eastre (the origin of the word "east" comes from various Germanic, Austro-Hungarian words for dawn that share the root for the word "aurora" which means " to shine"). Traditional Foods:Leafy green vegetables, Dairy foods, Nuts such as Pumpkin, Sunflower and Pine. Flower Dishes and Sprouts. Herbs and Flowers:Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Narcissus and all spring flowers. Incense:Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type. Sacred Gemstone:Jasper Special Activities:Planting seeds or starting a Magickal Herb Garden. Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.
Beltane/See also:
Walpurgis Night,and FloraliaBeltaine(May Eve)April 30-May1Beltane, May Eve, Beltaine, Bealtaine, or May Day: April 30 or May 1:On the cusp between spring and summer, Beltane is a fire festival that celebrates the fertility of the coming year. Chant for Beltane:
We were there last night when the dark drew down:we set the bonfires leaping.Then we vanished in the heather and we couldn't be found until the dawn came creeping.Did it get a little warm around the fire last night?Were the flames a little higher than they had the right?Was your breath a little heavy and your dress a little tight and the moon too bright for sleeping? Beltane (April 31st-May 1st), pagans and Witches honor the sexual union of the god and goddess amid the flowers and fruits that have begun to cover the land; but prior to that, at Ostara, we welcome the return of the spring goddess from her long season of dormant sleep. The sap begins to flow, the trees are budding, the ground softens, ice melts, and everywhere the fragrance and color of spring slowly awakens and rejuvenates our own life force.

Midsummer and Summer solstice:June 21 -- Summer Solstice -- LithaLitha, Summer Solstice, or Midsummer: June 20, 21, 22, or 23/Herbs and Flowers:Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Rose, Honeysuckle, Lily, Oak, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern, Elder, Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation.Incense:Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, Wisteria.Woods Burned:OakSacred Gemstone:Emerald/ Special Activities:An Ideal time to reaffirm your vows to the Lord and Lady or your dedication to following the old traditions.  
Lammas/LughnasadhLughnasad, Lughnasadh, or Lammas: August 1:Traditional Foods:Apples, Grains, Breads and Berries. Herbs and Flowers:All Grains, Grapes, Heather, Blackberries, Sloe, Crab Apples, Pears. Incense:Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood. Sacred Gemstone:Carnelian. Special Activities:As summer passes, many Pagans celebrate this time to remember its warmth and bounty in a celebrated feast shared with family or Coven members. Save and plant the seeds from the fruits consumed during the feast or ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant or tree with love and as a symbol of your connection with the Lord and Lady. Walk through the fields and orchards or spend time along springs, creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes reflecting on the bounty and love of the Lord and Lady.
Autumnal equinox/Mabon:Mabon, Fall Equinox, or Harvest Home: September 20, 21, 22, or 23Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 21st/Symbolism of Mabon: Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance. Symbols of Mabon:
wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty. Herbs of Maybon: Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables. Foods of Mabon: Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions.
Incense of Mabon: Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage. Colors of Mabon: Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold. Stones of Mabon: Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates. Activities of Mabon: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over. Spellworkings of Mabon: Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance.
Deities of Mabon: Goddesses-Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods-Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man. Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hussle-bussle of everyday life. May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to overflowing! 
Samhain/ Holloween/October 31st at sundown Also known as Samhain or All Hallow'sEve/Symbols of Samhain:Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns(Pumpkins), Besoms. Herbs of Samhain:Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage and Straw. Foods of Samhain:Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry. Incense of Samhain:Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg. Colors of Samhain:Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold. Stones of Samhain:All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.

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