Monday 25 March 2013


Home » Blessings, Chants and Prayers

Blessings, Chants and Prayers

Before heading to school, sit cross-legged facing East & Say: "Oh Goddess of Wisdom, be with me this day, As I go forth to seek knowledge, Guide my path and let my mind be open. So mote it be!
Faerie children come and play, Brightest blessings to the Fae, Come and worship, Bless this rite, Celebrate with us tonight
Say the words - " I will serve the Great Goddess, & give reverence to the Great God, I am a Pagan, A stone in the ancient circle, Standing firmly, Balanced on the earth, Yet open to the winds of heaven, & enduring through time, May the old gods witness my words. "
Say the following - " Hearken as the witch's word calls to all, a gulf to ford. Bridge the vast realities. An it harm none, do as ye please. Elements, protect and guard this book, from wandering eyes and prying looks. Fill it with thine ancient powers, in this right and ready hour. Powers of the North, the East below, help me to live, to learn, to grow. Lend your strength and stability, to practice the Craft and with love be free. Powers of East, the wind, the Sky, watch over these pages with thine eye. Your wisdom and knowledge, for these I do ask, that this book be worthy of the Craft and its task. Powers of South, Fire, and hearth, help these Shadows to prove their worth. Infuse them with all your healing and passion, so only good comes from the work that is fashioned. Powers of West, the Water and sea, change and growth are granted by thee. Bless these pages with all that you know, that righteous readers may learn and grow. And to the unschooled eye that see, confusing words and sophistry, lead them from these sacred pages, and bless their passage through the ages. For free will of all, and harm none, as I have willed it, it is now done. So mote it be! ".
Present your house spirits with incense, candles or anything you think is suitable as offerings to them.
While presenting the offerings chant - "Wraith of the house, Take heart and live, To every chamber, This light I give, To every corner This breath I send, Approve and favor my willing hand."
Goddess, Give me protection from the outside world, Let whatever people say about me not hurt, Let whatever I fear not bother me, Let all the mixed up feelings inside be released without harm, Goddess, you see my pain, I am thy child, I am thy soul, I need a dream to cast away this pain, Something to soothe my soul, Give me protection from the outside world.
Make me strong in spirit Courageous in action Gentle of heart Let me act in wisdom Conquer my fear and doubt Discover my own hidden gifts Meet others with compassion Be a source of healing energies And face each day with hope and joy
"Three wicked eyes have overshadowed me But six other eyes overshadow them Artemis the maiden Demeter the Mother Hecate the Crone They watch my flesh, my blood, my bone."
Walking in the fine mist of morning, say mentally or outloud: "Brother Wind and Sister Rain, Cleanse my heart from grief and pain." Repeat until you feel calmer, more rational. Before ending, thank the wind and rain for their healing gift.
Offer some bread to the spirit guardians of your home. Place some salt in the heart of your home
( this will ground any evil ), Burn either Frankincense or cinnamon incense. Move the incense froom room to room while visualizing negativity fleeing yourhome. As you do this chant the following repeatedly - " Smoke of air & fire & earth, Cleanse & bless this home & hearth Drive away all harm & fear, Only good may dwell in here. "
At the onset of Spring, Clean your house the best that you can. As you clean, meditate on the mental debris that you wishto clean away also. After your home is thoroughly clean, Take out your Ritual Broom & use it to sweep all around the house, visualizing all thethings you want rid of being swept away by the broom. When you get to the front door ( this should be the last place you sweep! ), Open the door & sweep all the stuff outside. Now light a white candle and carry it around your home, while visualizing a light of peace and newness spreading around you and your home. Make a circle of light before each window and door, asking the blessings of the Goddess and the God on your home and all who dwell within it.
Inscribe the following on a piece of wood - " Who comes to me, I keep. Who goes from me, I free. Yet against all I stand who do not carry my key. " Hang 3 Pine cones from it ( so that they are free to blow in the wind! ) & place it over the threshold of your home.
Chant the following - " Touch the lintel and touch the wall, nothing but blessings here befall! Bless the candle that stands by itself, Bless the book on the mantle shelf, Bless the pillow for the tired head, Bless the hearth and the light shed. Friends who tarry here, let them know a three-fold blessing before they go. Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow Faith in yesterday and tomorrow. Friends who go from here, let them bear the blessing of hope, wherever they fare. Lintel and windows, sill and wall, Nothing but good, this place befall. "
"Acorn true, acorn seed Hush and listen to my need: Protection from all harm I ask Fail me not in this task."Bless Acorn and empower as per usual method. Carry acorn in pocket or purse.
From the Mystic Light, To fertile Foundations On the Shores of the waters, Of out hopes and dreams. On the Wings of Wind Of Light and inspiration With the Inner Flame kindled Divine spark and gleam. Back to the Light For manifestation, Swifty fulfilled, Moves the unseen. By the Moon, the Stars and the Sun By the God, the Goddess and Ancient Ones Blessed be this Altar and all here-on Good for all and harming none.
Goddess, let all good blessings come to thee, Love and money fair to see. Let all happiness and love, Be heaped upon thee from above. Bring in, bring in, as the Moon doth swell, Whatever Thou neediest to keep thee well.
Touch the lintel and touch the wall, Nothing but blessings here befall! Bless the candle that stands by itself, Bless the book on the mantle shelf, Bless the pillow for the tired head, Bless the hearth and the light shed. Friends who tarry here, let them know A three fold blessing before they go. Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow Faith in yesterday and tomorrow. Friends who go from here, let them bear The blessing of hope, wherever they fare. Lintel and windows, sill and wall, Nothing but good, this place befall.
Either one or both parents can do this. "Little person who comes from beyond ourselves, welcome to this, the only world we have. Welcome to the warmth of our bodies. Welcome to the songs and feasts of people you do not know. Our blessings is a touch, a friend you will know as your darkness turns to light." The baby is then passed around amoung everyone present, each person calls the baby what s/he feels is appropriate. And why not make it a party and invite lots of people over!
What you'll need - Small bowl of water! Stand before the bowl of water & say - " Oh Great Ones, My Goddess and my God, I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, (Hold up small bowl of water.) Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With you healing powers, Bless this water (put bowl down ), With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done, So mote it be and blessed be ."
This is to be done on the FULL Moon to bless holy water you have previously made, to add full Moon power to it. You will need - a bowl or cup of holy water & a small mirror. Put the mirror in the bowl or cup, so that the moonlight reflects off it. Say the following - " Oh Great Ones , My Goddess and my God , I call upon you, In need of your help, Bless this water, " Hold up the bowl of water & say - " Bless this water, With you power, With you purification, With your healing powers, Bless this water, " Put the bowl down & say - " With the water you so blessed, May this harm none, The spell is done,So mote it be and blessed be ." Leave the Bowl of water in the light of the Full Moon overnight to charge it. The Blessed Full Moon Holy water can now be used for power, to purify & for healing.
May you go forth under the strength of heaven, under the light of the sun, under the radiance of the moon; may you go forth with the splendour of fire, with the speed of lightning, and the swiftness of wind; may you go forth supported by the depth of the sea, by the stability of earth, by the firmness of rock; may you be surrounded and encircled, with the protection of the nine elements.
To make this Blessing Oil, you will need - a couple of Lavender Blossoms, 2 drops each of Basil, Sage & Patchouli essential oil's, Carrier oil ( Olive oil is good! ) & a small dark bottle. Put all the ingredients except the carrier oil into the bottle. Add enough of the carrier oil to fill the bottle. Shake the bottle thoroughly. This Blessing oil is a good generic oil for anointing candles & consecrating tools, as well as anointing yourself!
Close your eyes & visualize the person you wish to bless. Concentrate upon the person as you speak in rhyme the following - " For you, through the power of the Lady, a helmet of light. For you, through the power of the Lady, strength that is growing, Strength to strength, and ease & easeful sleep, & gladness spreading, Thankfulness spreading through all of your body, all of yourself, in the power of the Lady, By the power of the Lady, through the power of the Lady."
This to be performed under a NEW MOON. To Bless pens, you will need - a pen, a bowl of consecrated water, some crushed Rose Petals, pinch of salt & one of the Protection Incense's. Go outside & stand where the light of the New Moon shines directly onto you. Sprinkle all the ingredients into the consecrated water, add the pen & say 3 times - " Ink so black as the night ( or blue as the sky/ red as blood, whatever description best fits the colour of ink in your pen! ) blessed be times three, said times three with moon light blessed be. serve me right serve only me, through good and bad so mote it be! "
Before embarking on a long journey, you may find it benificial to Bless your car! Walk around your car clockwise and examine the body, the windows, the wheels, and so on. Imagine yourself storing up more and more energy within yourself with each breath that you take, then breathe out all of the energy, fixing it in each of the car's part. Say out loud the following - "May the protection of the Lord & the Lady be in & about this vehicle, that it may deliver us safe to our destination. So mote it be!"
By the Star By the Rose By the Cup that She holds Pouring forth Her gifts Of life, peace and wisdom So may Her blessings fill My life this day Blessed Be
Gather seven small stones and place them in a circle. In the middle of the circle, scatter a handful of rose petals and apple seeds. Place a lodestone directly in the middle of the circle. Chant the following: Rose petals and apples Dragons and stone Draw nigh true love So I am never alone Mist of the Dragon Breath of the night Draw from the universe Perfect love that is right
"NOTE: the chant below brings swift justice to all of those who treat you unfairly.Take caution in useing it,though, especaly if you have also behaved innapropriately. Hecate's justice knows no bounds . She seems to it THAT ALL involved get preciesly what they deserve.
You will need - White candle ( any kind will do ), pin, Blessing oil, piece of paper with the person's name written on it / photo of the person or some personal item/s of theirs. Using the pin, carve the person you wish to bless' name onto the candle. Dress the candle with Blessing Oil. Place the name paper / photo / personal items near to or under the candle. Light & burn a portion of the candle every fday for 7 days, ensuring that you pinch the candle out between the burnings! As you light the candle each day, say the following - " ( say the person's name ), may you be blessed, May all good things come to you, May nothing whatsoever harm you, May your heart be light, May your travels be safe, May your health be good, May your mind be sound, May your friendships sustain you. May you be blessed in every way. " If you have a special wish for the person ( e.g. that they find love/ job / whatever ), Just add it to the list that you say!
Items: just some patience and to be outside at midnight
Procedure: This can be done before spells cast at midnight. This is a peaceful time, and is conducive to magickal workings. Midnight is not, however, a time for negative or evil rituals. It's best to perform this ritual outside, even if the spell that will follow it will be done indoors. You can do this before an opened window, if necessary. Go outside into the inky void of night a few minutes before midnight. Stand with you legs slightly apart. Raise your hands. Feel the soothing yet potent energies of the night filtering into your consciousness, brushing against your body, tugging at your hair. Take three deep breaths. Listen. Wait. Gaze up at the darkened sky. If the moon or clouds are present, watch them. Otherwise, stare at the stars. Calm yourself. Prepare yourself. Open you consciousness to the living reality of the night. Let it enfold you. Feel the embrace of its timeless energies; sense them transforming you. Then say the following or similar words in a hushed, whispered voice to bring the elemental powers of the night into you:
O stars whirling through the inky round;
O power hiding from the light;
O black curling on the darkened ground;
O secrets biding in the night;
O ebon treasures and the owl's sweet cry;
O haunting forces of the deep;
O misty measures of the circling sky;
O daunting courses that you keep:
Come to me with your magick power! Enfold me with your arcane might! Be here at this mystic hour!
Let your arms fall to your sides. Do not be afraid. The cool energies of the Earth cannot and will not harm you. Willingly accept them. Drink in the power that the night, the sky and the Earth have given you. Feel that remarkable changes that have occured within you. Show your appreciation to the elements by facing North and raising your hands in honor of the Earth. Turn East to honor Air; South to honor Fire; and West to honor Water. Next, lift your hands far above your head, reaching into the night itself, then touch them lightly to the ground before your feet. The time has come. The power of midnight vibrates within you. Positive spells of all types may now be done
To be performed at night & within the Moons view. Light a Large White candle. Burn Sandalwood, Basalm & Pine. Sprinkle some Salt into a Bowl of Water. Put the bowl before you & touch the bowl to each part of your body, - Put bowl to the eyes & say - " Bless my eyes that I might have clarity of vision. " To the mouth & say - " Bless my mouth that I may speak the truth. " To the ears & say - " Bless my ears that I may hear all that is spoken and not. " To the heart & say - " Bless my heart that I may be filled with love. " To the uterus & say - " Bless my womb that I may be in touch with my creative energy that stems from the universe. " To the feet & say - " Bless my feet that I may find and walk my own true path. " Fill yourself with love & Extinguish candle when done. This Blessing gives the body more connection with the Spirit & also helps prepare you for channeling!
"O Goddess within; O God within; O Goddess of the Moon, the Waters and the Earth; O God of the Sun, the Forests and the Mountains; I need to feel Your presence. I need to be reminded of You. Assist me to remember your lessons; Help me to see the true light. Show me the key that will unlock my spirituality."

Tuesday 12 March 2013


Eleanor "Rae" Bone

Rae Bone is sometimes referred to as the Matriarch of British Witchcraft due to her contributions in representing Wicca in the public eye. She was an initiate of Gardner and her covens were responsible for much of the growth of Wicca in the South of Britain. Through Gardner she spent a great deal of time with the mysterious “Dafo” and gained many insights to the New Forest Coven and its origins, some of which she shared.
She herself claimed to have a hereditary witchcraft lineage prior to Wicca.

Lois Bourne (
A member of the Bricket Wood coven, along with many other founding Wiccans, Bourne has recounted her experiences and insights of The Craft in several books, all of which stand as significant milestones in the history of Wicca, especially for those who wish to gain insight into the early years of the priesthood.

Jack Bracelin
Bracelin was another founder amongst the Wicca and was also known for his occasional flirtations with publicity. He is known as the writer of Gardner’s biography “Gerald Gardner: Witch”, however in reality this book was written by Idries Shah.
Jack Bracelin came to run the Five Acres Sun Club, where Gardner’s “Witches’ Cottage” was located.

Raymond Buckland
Ray Buckland is regarded as the man that brought Wicca to the United States. He is a Gardnerian initiate, who was initiated into one of Gerald Gardner’s later covens. Through his efforts, Wicca has become popularised in America and Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft (otherwise known as “Uncle Bucky’s Big Blue Book”) has become a staple addition to many Craft libraries, and remains popular among seekers.
Buckland no longer practices as part of the Wicca, but has started his own Tradition, known as Seax Wica.

Vivianne Crowley
A Wiccan of great repute, Vivianne Crowley has released many books, all of which have received a position of renown. She is perhaps best known for starting a London based witchcraft course in the late eighties, which explained the basics of Wicca. This course is still running today and has taken on a great many teachers and students along the way, usually being so popular that student numbers have had to be limited and places reserved for each run of the course.
Vivianne Crowley has been very influential in recent developments in Wicca, as well. She has more of less captained the bringing together of the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions through the process of cross-initiation, where a person is initiated into both Traditions.

Patricia Crowther (Thelema)
The long time High Priestess of a Sheffield based coven in England, which has brought about the hiving of a great many other covens. Patricia Crowther was initiated into Wicca by Gerald Gardner and ever since she has been highly influential in promoting the Old Religion through talks and television appearances worldwide, often appearing among the ranks of many other highly regarded occultists
  • 1965 - The Witches Speak (with Arnold Crowther)(Athol Publications)
  • 1973 - Witchcraft in Yorkshire (Dalesman) ISBN 0-85206-178-1
  • 1974 - Witch Blood (The Diary of a Witch High Priestess) (House of Collectibles) ISBN 0-87637-161-6
  • 1981 - Lid off the Cauldron: A handbook for witches (Muller) ISBN 0-584-10421-9
  • 1992 - The Zodiac Experience (Samuel Weiser Inc) ISBN 0-87728-739-2
  • 1992 - The Secrets of Ancient Witchcraft With the Witches' Tarot (Carol Publishing) ISBN 0-8065-1056-0
  • 1992 - Witches Were for Hanging (Excalibur Press of London) ISBN 1-85634-049
  • 1998 - One Witch's World (Robert Hale) ISBN 0-7090-6222-2 (published in America under the title High Priestess. Apart from the title, they are the same book) (Phoenix Publishing) ISBN 0-919345-87-5
  • 2002 - From Stagecraft to Witchcraft: The Early years of a High Priestess(Capall Bann) ISBN 1-86163-163-4
  • 2009 - "Covensense" (Robert Hale)ISBN 9780709087205.

    Thelma Capel, otherwise known as Dayonis, is the pretty young witch that came to replace Doreen Valiente as High Priestess of Gardner’s coven. She became the attractive face of witchcraft for many years until she eventually emigrated to Canada.

    Janet Farrar
    A prolific author of the Alexandrian Tradition, she made her impact alongside her husband, Stewart Farrar, by producing several significant early works, many of which became compiled as their prolific work “The Witches Bible”. Their Witches Bible is still a core volume on Wiccan practices and beliefs. This success was followed by the completion of other notable works, such as their books “The Witches Goddess” and “The Witches God”.
    After the death of her husband she has continued to produced many significant titles, many of which have been co-written with her second husband, Gavin Bone.
  • Janet and Gavin choose to no longer define themselves by any Tradition and instead prefer now to practice their own brand of Withcraft and persue their interests in this area.

    Stewart Farrar
    An Alexandrian Wiccan who established a reputation through his written work, co-authored with his wife, Janet Farrar, who has continued to write following Stewart’s death.
    The most notable book in Stewart Farrar’s publications is “The Witches Bible”, which to this day stands as one of the most complete and detailed books on outer court Wicca. In addition, he also wrote many several works of fiction, often dealing with occult themes.
    Both Janet and Stewart Farrar were initiated into Alexandrian Wicca by Alex Sanders and Maxine Sanders. Stewart’s initiation followed as a result of a developing interest in witchcraft that began as a journalist charged with writing about the subject.

    Judy Harrow
    A High Priestess initiated into the Gardnerian Tradition, Judy Harrow has gained repute among Wiccan circles as an author and essayist. Harrow is also the founder of the Protean Tradition of Wicca.
    Judy Harrow also founded the Pagan Pastoral Counseling Network in 1982 and works in the counseling field.

    Philip Heselton
    Philip Heselton is a noted and accomplished Wiccan historian who has produced several of the most influential books regarding Wiccan history and Gerald Gardner in particular. He is highly regarded in this field and he is often insightful, resourceful and has repeatedly been pivotal in bringing new information to these subjects, or otherwise providing unique interpretation of the existing data.

    Frederic Lamond
    Lamond is a Gardnerian initiate and one of the few surviving member of Gerald Gardner’s first coven, having been initiated just prior to the departure of Doreen Valiente. As such Fred Lamond is arguably the closest living connection to the founding of Wicca.
    He is a vital and active member of the Pagan community, regularly giving talks at large functions, such as Witchfest in England. Further to this, he has produced several books discussing religion and spirituality. His book “50 Years of Wicca” provides a personal, yet in depth, analysis of Wicca and how it has developed over the years, as well as his memories of particular people of influence within the religion.

    Julia Phillips
    Julia Phillips is a Wiccan High Priestess whose experience includes running both Covens and magical lodges in London, Sydney, and Melbourne. She has attained particularly high regard in Australia, where she founded the Australian Pagan Alliance, which is Australia’s oldest and largest Pagan organisation.
    Phillips is also an accomplished Pagan author, having written and contributed to several books, though her most well known written work is probably her “History of Wicca” which is also featured on Wicca Explained.

    Alex Sanders
    Sanders is the founder of Alexandrian Wicca, which is one of the two central Traditions of Wicca (the other being Gardnerian, into which he himself was initiated). Regarded as a showman by many, Sander’s love of the limelight is quite undeniable and as such he very often placed Wicca and witchcraft into the public eye, especially in the tabloid press.
    His influence was also quite undeniable, as his variety of Wicca spawned a great many covens and introduced a higher level of Hermetic stylings to the Craft.
    Alex Sanders has been regarded as a gifted magician and eventually was awarded the title “King of the Witches” by his peers from his Tradition. However, Sanders has always drawn a good deal of controversy and though revered by some, he is often criticised by others who regard him in a less favourable light.

    Maxine Sanders
    Maxine Sanders is a long time initiate of the Mysteries, having been initiated into an Egyptian spiritual tradition at a young age. In her late teens she switched from these Mysteries to those of witchcraft and was initiated into the coven of Alex Sanders, who she would later marry.
    Maxine had a natural aptitude for the Craft and was quickly elevated to third degree and given the title “Witch Queen” by her coven mates. She has been a very influential individual in the development of Wicca and a long time proponent of the Mysteries.
    Maxine has been one of the female public faces of the Craft, both in the arenas of the Pagan community and in the press.

    Doreen Valiente
    The First Lady of Wicca. Doreen Valiente is possibly the most influential woman that Wicca has seen, as she rewrote the majority of Gardner’s early rituals, transforming them into the poetical works of ritual that they are today. In effect, we can say that although Gardner created the Book of Shadows, it was Doreen Valiente that gaze it life.

    Barbara Vickers.
    This lady is significant to the history of Wicca in that she is one of the earliest known members of the Wicca – possibly even Gerald Gardner’s first initiate. She was involved in the Craft well before Doreen Valiente was initiated and was obviously a third degree High Priestess, however at this time very little is known about her.
    It appears that she and her husband may have both been initiates and possibly met through a nudist camp in Cheshire and that later she came to leave the Craft following personal problems.

    Monique Wilson
    Gardner’s final High Priestess, Monique Wilson, is notable not only for her craft position as a Gardnerian ancestress, but also for her infamy. She has received great animosity from many in Wiccan circles, as she was the inheritor of Gardner’s occult collection after his death, but unexpectedly sold most of it. Gardner’s Book of Shadows itself spent some time with Ripley’s, but has since been rescued back into Wiccan hands once more.


    Wednesday 6 March 2013

    Recommended Reading

    Wicca/DRW 101:Dedicant: A Witch’s Circle of Fire by Thuri Calafia (and all the books in this course)
    A Grimoire of Shadows by Ed Fitch/
    Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin/
    A Witch Alone by Marian Green
    Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
    Intermediate Wicca/DRW:Devoted to You: Honoring Deity in Wiccan Practice by Judy Harrow
    The Witches’ God by Janet and Stewart Farrar
    The Witches’ Goddess by Janet and Stewart Farrar
    An ABC of Witchcraft by Doreen Valiente
    Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente
    Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner
    Witch Crafting by Phyllis Curott
    Ritual Craft by Amber K and Azrael Arynn K
    The Elements of Ritual by Deborah Lipp
    The Witches’ Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar
    Way of Four by Deborah Lipp
    When, Why…If by Robin Wood
    Witchcraft/Neo-Paganism 101:Real Magic by Isaac Bonewits
    True Magick by Amber K
    The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
    The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton
    Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
    Intermediate Witchcraft/Neo-Paganism:The Ethical Eclectic by Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas
    Wicca 333: Advanced Topics in Wiccan Belief by Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas
    Leadership:Wicca Covens by Judy Harrow
    Coven Craft by Amber K
    Spiritual Mentoring by Judy Harrow
    Sorita D’Este: www.
    Amber K and Azrael Arynn K
    Raymond Buckland
    Phyllis Curott
    Judy Harrow
    Deborah Lipp
    Silver Ravenwolf
    DJ Conway
    Edain McCoy
    Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart
    Fiona Horne
    Laurie Cabot
    Kisma Stepanich
    Douglas Monroe
    Gavin and Yvonne Frost
    Lady Sheba
    Ari Devi
    Sarah Lyddon Morrison
    Donald Tyson

    things used in any ritual( use what you have)

    Chalice (and possibly a secondary chalice if necessary)
    Altar Cloth
    God and Goddess Representations (candles, statues, or something else)
    Dish for salt
    Dish for water
    Offering Bowl/Libation Dish
    Communion Plate
    Wine or other communion beverage
    Cakes or other communion food
    Quarter Candles
    Fire Candle
    Spirit Candle
    Incense (plus extra, perhaps of a different variety in case it or the charcoal fails)
    Sand/Kitty Litter/Soil for incense burner
    Smudge stick
    Elemental Representations (if not already listed)
    Book of Shadows
    Spell Materials (candles, talismans, herbs, bags or other containers, etc.)
    Ritual Script
    Candles of various sizes and colors for spellwork, lamps of art, utility taper, etc. (Remember to have extras in case the ones you choose are defective or something goes wrong)
    Candle holders of various sizes to suit the candles you’ve chosen
    Lighter/matches (possibly both for back-up)
    Fire extinguisher/container of water
    Candle Snuffer
    Recorded Music
    Musical Instruments
    Ritual Bath or Splash Supplies (oils, flower petals, herbs, salts, etc.)
    Anointing Oil
    Ritual Accessories (cord, garter, etc.)
    Small towel for spills
    Other Altar decorations
    Secondary Altar Table(s)
    Candle shavers/huggers
    Mortar and Pestle if you plan to make the incense or other herbal concoctions in the circle
    Aluminum foil or Saran wrap for charcoal and/or incense
    Incense container
    Tongs for charcoal
    Tweezers/spoon for handling incense
    Waste container (for used matches, ash, cork, wax, etc.)
    Markers for the Perimeter of the Circle (stones, candles, sand, etc.)
    Pillows and/or blankets
    Grounding Crystal
    Divination Tools (tarot cards, runes, pendulum, speculum, etc.)
    Divination Accessories (candles, coins, casting cloths, etc.)
    Specific Ritual Props
    Extra Shoes (in case of mud or hiking)
    Flashlight (and a back-up)
    Containers to transport all this to the ritual site (backpacks, baskets, etc.)
    Extra beverage for communion to accommodate needs of participants
    Extra food for communion to accommodate needs of participants
    Extras of Anything Everyone *needs*
    Food for a Feast Afterwards
    A Phone In Case of Emergency (outdoor or in an unfamiliar space)
    Adhesive Bandages
    Alcohol and Epsom Salts or Kindling for the Fire


    Healing:, Brown Spearmint Lemon Balm Rosemary Myrrh Allspice Coriander Sandalwood Blackberry Blue Red Green Purple Sandalwood Juniper Eucalyptus Allspice Angelica Willow Peppermint 
     Astral Projection:, Purple Yellow Benzoin Cinnamon Ginger Sandalwood Mugwort
    Beauty:, Light Blue Pink Ambergris Gardenia Ginger Jasmine Lavender Avacado Catnip Ginseng Maidenhair Yerba Santa
    Courage:, Red Yellow Green Brown Frankincense Rose Geranium Cedar Musk Allspice Thyme Dragon's Blood Tonka
    Divination,: Yellow Silver Camphor Clove Orange Tuberose Orris Hibiscus Meadowsweet Broom
    Exorcism:, Black Red Silver Peppermint Junipr Basil Pine Yarrow Angelica Mistletoe Myrrh Frankincense Sagebrush
    Fertility :, Green Patchouly Pine Musk Vervain Bistort Cucumber Hazel Sunflower
    Happiness:, Pink Blue Yellow Lavender Sweetpea Tuberose Catnip Apple Blossom St. John's Wort
    Love: Pink Red Lavender Peppermint Lemon Apricot Rosemary Basil Rose Coriander
    Luck: Orange Green Blue Cinnamon Patchouly Rosemary Lemongrass Caraway Ginger Nettle Vanilla
    Lust:Red Musk Vanilla Ginger Rosemary Patchouly Avacodo Hibiscus Clove
    Magickal Powers,:Purple Yellow Tangerine Rosemary Vanilla Allspice Carnation Dragon's Blood
    Money:Green Orange Copper Pine Patchouly Basil Ginger Cedarwood Cinnamon Sage Clove Dill Hyssop
    Peace:, Blue Pink Lavender Rose Magnolia Gardenia Lilac Pennyroyal Tuberose
    Protection:, White Red Black Juniper Patchouly Clove Lime Vetivert Bay Basil Pine Lilac Flax
    Psychic Awareness,: Blue Yellow Silver Lemongrass Camphor Peppermint Cinnamon Yarrow Anise Nutmeg Flax Honeysuckle Marigold /Psychic Dreams, Blue Silver Camphor Jasmine Acacia Lilac Sandalwood Heliotrope Marigold Rose Mimosa Cinquefoil
    Purification,:White Rosemary Cedarwood Myrrh Benzoin Lemon Eucalyptus Lemon Verbena Valerian Copal Thyme

    Self Dedication Ritual to wicca

    Self Dedication Ritual/By: Lady Morgan Crystal Moonstone Prepare area - gather all tools and set up altar
    Bathe, add Sandalwood, Frankincense & Cinnamon. Add Sea Salt, light candles &
    concentrate on what is before you.
    Purify space and open the circle.
    Face the East, raise your projective hand and point to the sky. Say:"Raphael,
    Angel of Air, I do summon, stir and call you now to witness this rite and guard
    this circle.Powers of Air, be with me as I journey between worlds."
    Turn to the South, point your hand & say:"Michael, Angel of Fire, I do summon,
    stir and call you now to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of
    Fire, be with me as I journey between worlds."
    Turn to the West, Point your hand and say:"Gabriel, Angel of Water, I do summon,
    stir and call you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of Water,
    be with me as I journey between worlds."
    Turn to the North, point your hand and say:"Ariel, Angel of Earth, I do summon,
    stir and call you to witness this rite and guard this circle. Powers of Earth,
    be with me as I journey between worlds."
    Face the Altar, raise your hands to the sky and say:"The Circle is cast and I am
    between the worlds, beyond the bounds of time, where night and day, birth and
    death, joy and sorrow meet as one."
    Ring the bell to signal that the circle is cast and to invite the deities.
    Read the Charge of the Goddess.
    Light the Candle and raise your hands and say:"On this night
    and in this hour; I
    call upon the ancient power of (your choice of deity) I ask that you assist me
    in my dedication ritual as I take a new path in my life."
    "I have cast this circle this night to perform the act of dedication of my mind,
    body and spirit to the Goddess and God, and to the Religion and Science of
    Witchcraft. From this day forward, I will honor and respect both the Divine and
    myself. I vow to hold the ideology of the Craft in my heart and my mind for the
    totality of this lifetime and beyond."
    Next, point to your knees and say:"Blessed be my knees as I kneel at the altar
    of my faith, not in supplications, but in thanksgiving."
    Next, point to your groin and say:"Blessed be my womb that holds and produces
    the creation of the human essence. I vow to protect and teach the children of
    the world."
    Next, point to your chest and say:"Blessed be my heart that it may beat steady
    and true. May the warmth of my love spread throughout the galaxy."
    Next, point to your lips and say:"Blessed be my lips that they shall utter truth
    and purity of mind and soul. May wisdom flow for the benefit of all humankind."
    Next, point to your third eye and say:"Blessed be my Astral Sight that I may see
    through the veil of life with the truth of the Divine."
    Now, turn to face the altar, raise your hands in the air and say:"I, (your
    name), in the presence of the Universe, do of my own free will and mind, most
    solemnly swear that I will ever abide by the religion and
    science of the Craft.
    I shall neither harm my fellow human with the secrets that I learn, nor shall I
    flaunt my beliefs or power before them. Henceforth - from this day, I shall be
    reborn as (Your New Craft Name) and shall honor, respect and cherish this oath I
    have taken!"
    Next, take the wine & say:"As I take this wine into my body, I take that of the
    Goddess, Earth Mother and seal my oath...forever."
    Drink half the wine and hold it to the sky and say:"Accept this wine as my
    offering of thanksgiving."
    Then place the wine on the altar and say:"I, (Your Name), wish to thank you
    (Your Goddess/God Name) for presiding over this dedication ritual. May we
    together walk within the light forever."
    Close the circle, starting in the East and thank the Angel and Power for
    assisting in the rite. Follow with South, West, North.
    Then face the altar and say:"The circle is open, but never broken."
    Clean up, pour the wine into the ground.

    This is the Dedication ritual I used when I first dedicated myself to study for
    one year and one day. Use it as a guideline to write your own or you may use

    By: Lady Morgan Crystal Moonstone

    Laws of wicca

    The Law of the Power
    The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if
    the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of
    others. The Power is used only as need dictates.
    The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.
    It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls its
    taker. Be not as those of other religions. Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick. Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused. And this is the law of the Power. (Scott Cunningham)
    The Law
    We are of the Old Ways, among those who walk with the Goddess and God and
    receive Their love. Keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your abilities, for to do otherwise is to lessen your connection with the Goddess and God.
    Harm none. This, the oldest law, is not open to interpretation or change.
    Shed not blood in ritual; the Goddess and God need not blood to be duly
    worshipped. Those of our ways are kind to all creatures, for hurtful thoughts are quiet
    draining and aren't worth the loss of energy. Misery is self-created; so, too, is joy, so create joy and disdain misery and unhappiness. And this is within your power. So harm not. Teach only what you know, to the best of your ability, to those students who you
    choose, but teach not to those who would use your instructions for destruction
    or control. Also, teach not to boost pride,
    forever remember: She who teaches
    out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Goddess and God.
    Ever remember that if you would be of our way, keep the law close to your heart,
    for it is the nature of the Wicca to keep the Law.  If ever the need arises, any law may be changed or discarded, and new laws written to replace them, so long as the new laws don't break the oldest law of all: Harm None. Blessings of the Goddess and God on us all.
    (Scott Cunningham)

    wicca means

    The word "witch" derives from the Old English "wicca" (m) or "wicce" (f); the original meaning of the word is still debated, but most people think it meant either wisdom, or to change and to shape. Pagan means a "country dweller", but is now used to refer to followers of non-Judeo-Christian, nature-based religions, which use the deities of the pre-Christian world. Pagan religions don't expect you to follow any one belief system - they are free of all dogma. Some people may literally believe in the gods and goddesses envoked, others see them as a poetic way of embodying whatever they do believe in, be it the importance of the earth and nature, whatever power or force may lie behind the universe, or just a way of entering a state of consciousness where you become more in tune with yourself. Pagan religions generally respect the earth and the natural powers in the universe, and the celebrations are based around the natural cycles of the year. Pagan rituals are no stranger, and certainly no more dangerous, than the rituals carried out in most Christian churches. Pagan religions, particularly Wicca, tend to emphasize the Goddess, and are very free of rules and hierachies, so they hold a great appeal for feminists and free-thinkers who are looking to explore their spiritual side. Paganism, and particularly Witchcraft, suffers from a great deal of prejudice from the uninformed, and from fundamentalist followers of other religions. The early Christian church turned Pagan deities into the devil, and the more narrowminded Christians still sometimes believe that Witches and Pagans are devil-worshippers. We are not. We don't believe in the devil. We have our own moral codes (the Wiccan Rede states than Wiccans should "harm none"), and our religion celebrates life and love.

    Monday 4 March 2013

    house blessings

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    healing spell

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    prosperity spells

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    The Witches' Chant or Rune

    The Witches' Chant or Rune


    Darksome night and Shining Moon, East, then South, then West, then North, Harken to the Witches Rune: Here come I to call thee forth.

    Earth and Water, Air and Fire, Wand and Pentacle and Sword, Work ye unto my desire, Harken ye unto my word.

    Cords and Censer, Scourge and knife, Powers of the Witches Blade, Waken all ye into life, Come ye as the Charm is made:

    Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Horned Hunter of the Night, Lend your power unto the Spell, Work my will by Magic Rite.

    If chant is used to reinforce a work already begun, end with this:

    By all the power of land and sea, by all the might of moon and sun,

    What is my will- "So mote it be,"What I do say- "It shall be done."

    pagan magazines and information

    Crescent: (website under construction)
    White Dragon:
    The Wiccan magazine
    Pan-Pacific Pagan Alliance
     Moonoak - rants and essays from radical Pagans
    Neo Pagan Times free access magazine for the Pagan/New Age community
    Obsidian Magazine a journal of magical folklore and mystery traditions
    Sage Woman -

    ritual for Beltane

    By the Powers of the Sky Father,
    The burst of wind, the shower of rain;
    The bold of lightening, the clap of thunder.
    By the Powers of the Earth Mother;
    The strong mountain, the fertile soil,
    The rushing river, the fragrant wildflowers;
    May this circle be cast;
    A place between the worlds
    On this Beltane Sabbat, Joining
    The Powers Above, And the Powers Below

    Call the Quarters:
    Call the quarters, beginning in the South, or in the direction/order of your tradition:
    I call upon you O Element of Fire,
    To bring your Warmth and Passion to my rite
    In the Spirit of Beltane

    I call upon you, O Element of Water,
    To bring your Emotion and Compassion to my rite
    In the Spirit of Beltane

    I call upon you, O Element of Earth
    To bring your Fertility and Prosperity to my rite
    In the Spirit of Beltane

    I call upon you, O Element of Air,
    To bring your Clarity and Wisdom to my rite
    In the Spirit of Beltane

    Invoking the Deities:
    Call to God and Goddess, by whatever names or traditions that you use for this season. Or, simply call:
    Great Goddess, Bright and Pure Maiden,
    Whose beauty we see in the fields of wild flowers,
    Whose sweet, warm breath is the Spring breeze,
    Whose gentle kisses are like the morning dew,
    Whose body dances like the rolling waves,
    Whose love washes over us like the Spring rain,
    I call and welcome you with this Rite of Beltane.
    Bless our circle with your loving presence
    So that we may honor you in our ritual.

    Great God, Strong and Virile Consort,
    Whose charms we see in the sparkling night sky
    Whose passion we feel in the rays of the Sun,
    Whose booming voice is heard in the thunder,
    Whose body is hard and strong like the sturdy oak,
    Whose desire stirs us like the rushing wind,
    I call and welcome you with this Rite of Beltane
    Bless our circle with your loving presence
    So that we may honor you in our ritual.

    On this, the night of Beltane, we celebrate the Union of the Lord and the Lady,
    The Young God has looked upon the Fair Maiden and is filled with desire.
    The Young Lady feels a rush of heat run through her body.
    On this night, they come to one another
    And join in the dance of passion
    Through their union, all the Universe has sprung forth
    Through their continued, eternal dance of romance,
    The Circle of Life is perpetuated and all Life is Sustained

    I thank You Both, God and Goddess,
    For everything you have given us;
    For what you have given us is everything.
    This tree (plant) is in honor of your Union
    With my love and gratitude.
    May the blessings of your Union continue
    To pour over the Earth
    As the Wheel of the Year continues to turn

    Set the tree in the center of the altar. Later, you can plant it, transplant it into a nice pot and take care of it, or give it as a gift to someone who could use a blessing.
    If you prefer, you can do your spell work, personal meditations or divination at this time.
    Celebrate the Feast:
    The perfect blessing of the feast for Beltane is the symbolic Great Rite. Hold an athame, wand, or any knife you have on hand, above the cup of ritual drink and say:
    As the Athame unites with the Cup,
    So the Lover unites with the Beloved,
    And both become One in that Union-
    Two halves, made whole again,
    Strengthened in Love,
    And part of each other forever

    Draw a pentacle over the food and say
    And the blessings of that Union
    Gives life to the living
    And by partaking of the cycle of life
    We are filled with Their essence.

    Take some food and beverage and set it aside to be returned to the earth. Partake of the simple feast.
    Meditate, or sing, chant and dance for as long as you like.
    Devoke the God and Goddess by these or similar words:
    Lord and Lady,
    I thank you for your presence
    That has graced this circle.
    Stay if you will, Go if you must,
    Though your presence continues to be felt
    In all of Nature
    And for that I give you thanks
    And bid you Hail and Farewell

    Release the Quarters:
    I thank you, O Element of Fire (Air, Earth, Water),
    For lending your energies to my rite.
    Stay if you will, go if you must
    I bid you Hail and Farewell

    Open the Circle:
    May the circle be open,
    And the energy within that lingers
    Sink into and nourish the Earth
    So that all may benefit from the celebration
    Of this loving Union of the Divine.

    Have a blessed Sabbat.


    "Darksome Night and Shining Moon,
    East and South and West and North,
    Hearken to the Witches' Rune;
    Hear me now, I call thee forth."(by Dorren Valiente_

    Midwinter/winter solstice. :winter solstice is the solstice that occurs in winter,December 20 and December 23 solstices occur less frequently than December 21 or December 22 solstices in the Yule, Winter Solstice: December 20, 21, 22, or 23/Gregorian calendar AKA: Yule  All Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses ie Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda Deities of Yule:Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, MabonSymbols of Yule:Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus/Spellworkings of Yule:Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness
    Imbolc:Brigid, Imbolc, Candlemas, Imbolg, or Brigid's Day: February 1 or 2/Symbolism of Imbolc: Purity, Growth and Re-Newal, The Re-Union of the Goddess and the God, Fertility, and dispensing of the old and making way for the new. Symbols of Imbolc: Brideo'gas, Besoms, White Flowers, Candle Wheels, Brighid's Crosses, Priapic Wands (acorn-tipped), and Ploughs. Herbs of Imbolc: Angelica, Basil, Bay Laurel, Blackberry, Celandine, Coltsfoot, Heather, Iris, Myrrh, Tansy, Violets, and all white or yellow flowers. Foods of Imbolc: Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds, Poppyseed Cakes, muffins, scones, and breads, all dairy products, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Raisins, Spiced Wines and Herbal Teas. Incense of Imbolc: Basil, Bay, Wisteria, Cinnamon, Violet, Vanilla, Myrrh. Colors of Imbolc: White, Pink, Red, Yellow, lt. Green, Brown. Stones of Imbolc: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Turquoise. Activities of Imbolc: Candle Lighting (light Candles or lamps in each room of the house right after sunset for a few minutes to honor the Sun's rebirth), Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of Spring, Making of Brideo'gas and Bride's Beds, Making Priapic Wands, Decorating Ploughs, Feasting, and Bon Fires maybe lit.
    Vernal equinox/Ostara Ostara(Spring Equinox)March 21Eostar, Spring Equinox, Ostara, or Oestarra: March 20, 21, 22, or 23/Easter gets its name from the Teutonic goddess of spring and the dawn, whose name is spelled Oestre or Eastre (the origin of the word "east" comes from various Germanic, Austro-Hungarian words for dawn that share the root for the word "aurora" which means " to shine"). Traditional Foods:Leafy green vegetables, Dairy foods, Nuts such as Pumpkin, Sunflower and Pine. Flower Dishes and Sprouts. Herbs and Flowers:Daffodil, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violet, Gorse, Olive, Peony, Iris, Narcissus and all spring flowers. Incense:Jasmine, Rose, Strawberry, Floral of any type. Sacred Gemstone:Jasper Special Activities:Planting seeds or starting a Magickal Herb Garden. Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the Magick of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.
    Beltane/See also:
    Walpurgis Night,and FloraliaBeltaine(May Eve)April 30-May1Beltane, May Eve, Beltaine, Bealtaine, or May Day: April 30 or May 1:On the cusp between spring and summer, Beltane is a fire festival that celebrates the fertility of the coming year. Chant for Beltane:
    We were there last night when the dark drew down:we set the bonfires leaping.Then we vanished in the heather and we couldn't be found until the dawn came creeping.Did it get a little warm around the fire last night?Were the flames a little higher than they had the right?Was your breath a little heavy and your dress a little tight and the moon too bright for sleeping? Beltane (April 31st-May 1st), pagans and Witches honor the sexual union of the god and goddess amid the flowers and fruits that have begun to cover the land; but prior to that, at Ostara, we welcome the return of the spring goddess from her long season of dormant sleep. The sap begins to flow, the trees are budding, the ground softens, ice melts, and everywhere the fragrance and color of spring slowly awakens and rejuvenates our own life force.

    Midsummer and Summer solstice:June 21 -- Summer Solstice -- LithaLitha, Summer Solstice, or Midsummer: June 20, 21, 22, or 23/Herbs and Flowers:Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Rose, Honeysuckle, Lily, Oak, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern, Elder, Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation.Incense:Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, Wisteria.Woods Burned:OakSacred Gemstone:Emerald/ Special Activities:An Ideal time to reaffirm your vows to the Lord and Lady or your dedication to following the old traditions.  
    Lammas/LughnasadhLughnasad, Lughnasadh, or Lammas: August 1:Traditional Foods:Apples, Grains, Breads and Berries. Herbs and Flowers:All Grains, Grapes, Heather, Blackberries, Sloe, Crab Apples, Pears. Incense:Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood. Sacred Gemstone:Carnelian. Special Activities:As summer passes, many Pagans celebrate this time to remember its warmth and bounty in a celebrated feast shared with family or Coven members. Save and plant the seeds from the fruits consumed during the feast or ritual. If they sprout, grow the plant or tree with love and as a symbol of your connection with the Lord and Lady. Walk through the fields and orchards or spend time along springs, creeks, rivers, ponds and lakes reflecting on the bounty and love of the Lord and Lady.
    Autumnal equinox/Mabon:Mabon, Fall Equinox, or Harvest Home: September 20, 21, 22, or 23Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, September 21st/Symbolism of Mabon: Second Harvest, the Mysteries, Equality and Balance. Symbols of Mabon:
    wine, gourds, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines such as ivy, dried seeds, and horns of plenty. Herbs of Maybon: Acorn, benzoin, ferns, grains, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, myrrh, passionflower, rose, sage, solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle, and vegetables. Foods of Mabon: Breads, nuts, apples, pomegranates, and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions.
    Incense of Mabon: Autumn Blend-benzoin, myrrh, and sage. Colors of Mabon: Red, orange, russet, maroon, brown, and gold. Stones of Mabon: Sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agates. Activities of Mabon: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over. Spellworkings of Mabon: Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence. Also those of harmony and balance.
    Deities of Mabon: Goddesses-Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses. Gods-Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, and The Green Man. Mabon is considered a time of the Mysteries. It is a time to honor Aging Deities and the Spirit World. Considered a time of balance, it is when we stop and relax and enjoy the fruits of our personal harvests, whether they be from toiling in our gardens, working at our jobs, raising our families, or just coping with the hussle-bussle of everyday life. May your Mabon be memorable, and your hearts and spirits be filled to overflowing! 
    Samhain/ Holloween/October 31st at sundown Also known as Samhain or All Hallow'sEve/Symbols of Samhain:Gourds, Apples, Black Cats, Jack-O-Lanterns(Pumpkins), Besoms. Herbs of Samhain:Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak leaves, Sage and Straw. Foods of Samhain:Turnips, Apples, Gourds, Nuts, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry. Incense of Samhain:Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg. Colors of Samhain:Black, Orange, White, Silver, Gold. Stones of Samhain:All Black Stones, preferably jet or obsidian.

    Five elements and pentagram

    Friday 1 March 2013

    The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP

    The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP)

    Stand in the center of your room, facing east. Imagine that you are a towering figure and that the Earth is a tiny sphere below you. Feel yourself to be the very center of the universe. Then look up into space and imagine a sphere of white brilliance. See this light descend to the top of your head.
    1. Reach up with your right hand (or dagger) and pull this white light down to your forehead. When you do this vibrate the word ATAH (ah-tah).
    2. Move your hand down your body, feeling the light being drawn down through you in a beam. Touch your breast and move your hand over the groin area, pointing down. Vibrate MALKUTH (mahl-kooth) and imagining there is now a shaft of light running through you, connecting the light source above your forehead to the Earth.
    3. Touch your right shoulder and imagine that this horizontal beam of light extends to the left and passes out through your left shoulder into space. Vibrate VE-GEBURAH (v’ge-boo-rah).
    4. Touch your left shoulder and imagine that a beam from the shaft of light at the center of your body meets the tip of your finger (or dagger) and moves out from your right side into space. Vibrate VE-GEDULAH (v’-ge-doo-lah).
    5. Bring both your hands up to your breast and clasp them together, as if praying. Vibrate LE-OLAM AMEN (lay-oh-lahm, ah-men). You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches to the ends of the universe. (The Hebrew words of power in this part of the ritual, known as the Kabbalistic Cross, translate to: “For Thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever, unto the ages”.)
    6. Staying in the east of your area, trace a large banishing pentagram in the air before you. Say the words: “Eh Oh Ah Vo I” as you trace the pentagram. Visualize it glowing in flaming blue light. Take a deep breath, exhale, point to the center of the pentgram and vibrate YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh). Feel the energy of this Divine name running through your fingers and into the pentagram. Move to the South quarter
    7. Still touching the center of your pentagram with your finger or dagger and keeping your arm extended, move to the south of your circle. Imagine that the tip of your finger or dagger is creating a white line in the air. When you reach the south, you will have created 90 degrees of a circle of white light, which will connect the pentagram in the east to the one you are about to draw here. Trace the pentagram as before saying the power chant and this time vibrating the name ADONAI (ah-doe-nye).
    8. Carry the line of white light to the west, and repeat the steps of tracing saying the power chant and charging a pentagram there. This time, vibrate EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay).
    9. Carry the line of white light to the north, and trace and charge a pentagram there. This time, vibrate AGLA (ah-gah-lah).
    10. Now carry the white line to the east, completing your circle. There should now be four flaming blue pentagrams blazing at the four quarters of your circle of white. Walk back to the center of your circle and turn clockwise to face east.
    11. Once again visualize the giant Kabbalistic Cross within you. Extend your arms, forming this coss with your body. Look toward the east and say, Before me RAPHAEL (rah-fay-el). Remember to vibrate the name of this angel. Now visualize, with your eyes open, that this archangel of Air is standing before you. See him as a towering figure dressed in yellow and violet robes (the colors of Air). Try to feel the breeze of elemental Air in your face.
    12. Imagine another presence behind you and say, Behind me, GABRIEL (gahbree-el). Again, remember to vibrate the name of this angel. Now visualize, with eyes closed, that this archangel of Water is standing behind you. See him as a towering figure dressed in blue and orange robes (the colors of Water). Try to feel the moisture of elemental Water on your back.
    13. Open your eyes and look over your right shoulder while saying, On my right, MICHEAL (mee-chai-el). After vibrating the name, visualize this archangel of Fire in robes of red and green (the colors of Fire). Try to feel the heat of elemental Fire.
    14. Look over your left shoulder and say, On my left, AURIEL (ohr-ee-el). After vibrating the name, visualize this archangel of Earth in robes of citrine, olive, russet and black (the colors of Earth). Try to feel the sense of solidity given off by this quarter.
    15. Look toward the east again, and contemplate the pentagrams around you, saying, For around me shines the pentagram….Then visualize a brilliant hexagram within your breast, and say,…And within me shines the Six-rayed Star.
    16. To finish this rite, repeat the Kabbalistic Cross in steps 1-6.

    This ritual should be memorized as should be practiced every day. Since Divine Names of God, which correspond with each elemental quarter, are used to charge the pentagrams and the archangels of each quarter are called to watch over your area, the circle created in this ritual forms an impenetrable barrier to unwanted magical forces. If this ritual is performed correctly, you can safely proceed with your magical work. Also is very good for all daily cleansing and protection.

    When saying power chant while drawing the pentagram this is what you should do: